About the project Encounter
• To the Future captain of the team he needs to login on the website; • In the user panel press the link "TEAM"; • Then press the link « CREATE TEAM » (attention: the name of team in the future can be changed; • To invite other participants to the team they must already be registered on the website, then you press the link « INVITE NEW MEMBERS IN THE TEAM »; • Specify "LOGIN" of the invited participant; • After, the invited participants should agree with the invitation (for this purpose it is necessary to be authorized under anybody of the invited users to press button TEAM , and to accept the invitation.
You need to tell the team the Game rules, and instruct the team about being attentive at some levels, to represent the team at the meeting of the captains, to solve individual questions with the organizer and to take a certain responsibility for the team.
It is necessary to get acquainted. Leave the message at a forum. Ring the captains of existing teams with a question, whether the recruit is required... Or write to them on EN-mail if you hesitate to call.
In the list of teams of the domain .
In the list of all teams of the project .
First of all, on one car it is difficult to compete with the developed teams. Secondly, it is unprofitable . As a result such team plays irregularly, and, as a rule, members of a team participate in other, already developed teams. To make so that your team will play and win, it needs to be strengthened by people, and experience will come. To say it in other words, it is necessary to invite new players. HOW DO YOU MAKE IT?
Each of us has a circle of related people: friends, acquaintances, relatives, co-workers and so on. Those who we communicate and who communicates with us, have common interests, which are the more or less the same. When there is one related person with different interest other people might also become interested in such a. In this case we mean game Encounter as the new interest.
To conclude: the best way of attracting new participants and new resources in the team – is to search between related people.
To search for potential players for your team you might invite:
1. Friends;
2. Relatives;
3. Girls-friends and boy-friends, and also their friends ;
4. Present or former schoolmates;
5. Classmates;
6. Co-workers from past or present job;
7. Neighbours and others
For this purpose it is necessary to open your personal telephone book in a mobile phone, contact-list of ICQ, MSN, Skype, Facebook.
During calling and inviting people in the team there are two obligatory conditions and one wish.
1. While ringing and sending messages it is necessary to include all without exception related people. Sometimes the person who, you consider, to refuse for any reasons (age, small children, the wife(husband) and so forth) from your offer to participate in the game, will accept your offer with pleasure. It is simply necessary to give him a call and invite. You can be responsible for telling no for him and not invite, and loose lost a valuable player for the team. Therefore it is necessary to give calls or send messages to everybody without exception.
2. All the players should take part in inviting new people into the team, that is how the effectiveness increases rapidly.
You need to invite people who are good in special skills. For example: to drive a car as Schumacher (if the person has personal car), to be the navigator (to know the city well), the coordinator of players (the intellectual, lives in the Internet), "special troops" (the climber, the athlete - in general, the sportsman without bad habits), etc. In case if it seems, that the person does not possess any of the listed qualities, it is necessary, that he would have a DESIRE TO TRY the game. Eventually, you know on yourselves, that all better qualities of the player are shown during game. So invite all related people, and you will be surprised to see how familiar people act in Encounter game situations.
To tell the truth, it is unbelievable, that the team consisting even from three persons, having made the recommended actions, could not collect capable collective for participation in game. However hypothetically so it can turn out. Therefore there is another source for searching players for a team – it is invite absolute strangers.
It is clear, that it is not very pleasant for someone. « What for, - one will tell, - I should invite people whom I do not know, did not see, and also it is not clear for me what to wait from them during the game? » All of us, as a rule, hardly ever go on contact with strangers. Except for cases when IT REALLY is necessary to us.
Encounter Network - to the organizers