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Rules of "Photohunt"

0. The general rule.

0.1. The general rules described below, is a single piece of legislation for this type of games and sets for all cities, all nations and all domains in which the game “PhotoHunting” is held, on the technical platform Encounter (® registered trademark).

1. The Terms of the participation in the game.

1.1. One can play at the game in the teams or alone. The minimum quantity is two members.

1.2. The team (participant), submitting the application for participation in the game automatically takes these rules and undertakes to comply strictly with them.

1.3. Then in the rules, which refers to the team, it should be understood this way: the team - if a team game, a participant - if the game alone.

1.4. Game “PhotoHunting” is organized on the following principles:

1.4.1. The principle of fair play, which complied with the players, implying that deliberately does not interfere and does not help the opponents to abide by these Rules;

1.4.2. The principle of self-hunting for good pictures.

1.4.3. The principle of equal conditions of performance levels for each of the teams, which the organizer sticks to.

1.4.4. The principle of the independence of the domain’s owner from the individual participants and the unpreconceived attitude to the teams and the participants in dealing with the disputable issues.

1.4.5. The Domain’s owner is entitled to participate in the Games, which take place in his domain if he is not a sponsor of these games. When all the facts sum up - scenario and participants are available after the game finished. Thus, it’s guaranteed that the holder of the domain, having a theoretical opportunity to review the scenario of the game, almost did not do it.

1.5. The New commands (if none of the teams had not previously played) may get 50% discount on the participation in the game.

1.6. Members of the media can play at the game free of charge if they guarantee the publication of the last game.

2. The Game

2.1. The goal of the game is the submission of photographs as artistic, creative approach to the popularization of photography, the organization of interesting and amusing entertainment. The Promoting of healthy and active lifestyle.

2.2. The essence of the game is hunting for the creative good photos.

2.3. All the teams get the tasks at the same time and they are free to perform them in any order.

2.4. The result of successfully completed assignments is good, containing the idea, picture (a snapshot).

2.5. The tasks can include one or a few words, asking the subject to photograph. In the setting it does not specify what and how must be shown on the image, where the picture should be made.

2.6. The original idea of the image has higher priority than the technical quality of the image, while the latter is also important.

3. Restrictions and prohibitions in the game

3.1. The only correct way of passing the game is a separate hunting for good pictures.

3.2. It is allowed the following processing of the photos in any graphic editor:

3.2.1. Regarding the whole picture: brightness, contrast, curves.

3.2.2. Regarding the part of the photo: partial discoloration, complete discoloration with small areas of colored fragments.

3.2.3. Crop, arbitrary coup.

3.2.4. Sharpness.

3.3. It is strictly prohibited to carry out installation of the part of the image or the entire image, including but not limited to: the original image overlaid on other images, the offset of the image.

3.4. All images must be made during the game, it is prohibited the usage of the photos taken from the Internet, public or private archives of images. You may not use the same images for two different games, if it will be detected that the same photographs were used for different games, the participant may be disqualified from the game, which began later. Similarity between images is determined subjectively.

3.5. Games organizers have the right to require from the participants the additional images, confirming the originality (authenticity), made during the game images. Additional images are to be loaded into the game interface on a par with test images. In the event of an additional shot was not loaded, the judge makes an assessment of 0 (zero).

3.6. It’s not allowed to put all possible pressure on the people involved in the organization of the game: It is prohibited to bribe, seduce, beat, threaten, blackmail in order to get the code or any information about the contents of the scenario of the games and / or information that could facilitate the flow of the game.

3.6.1. You can not attempt to crack the program complex games in order to gain access to the contents of the script.

3.6.2. You can not choose passwords scenario, the owner of the domain in order to gain unauthorized access to the contents of the scenario games.

3.6.3. It is forbidden to inform the organizers of any deliberately false information.

3.7. It is prohibited in the commentary on the image to communicate the name of their team.

3.8. In case of violation of these prohibitions, the participant (team) can be imposed the following sanctions:
- In the form of penalty time (added to the time of passage of game);
- Disqualification of participants (teams) with the current game;
- Inclusion of participants (team members) in the "black list" (at the same time members are denied the opportunity to be authenticated in the domain) for a specified period or for life;
- A reference participant (team members) in Siberia (https://siberia.en.cx) – for life.

4. Final

4.1. The ability to pass the game ends at a pre-set time, which is indicated in the description of the upcoming games.

4.2. Until then, teams passed until the end of the game and included in the Top 10 are able to assess the quality of games on 10-point scale.

4.3. After that, the organizer of the game sums up. If the game is declared to be effective players accrue points, and pay the winner a prize fund. If the game is declared failed, the participants returned contributions (if contributions were taken through the en-money, otherwise the conditions determined by the organizer) and the points are not charged to participants.

4.4. The winner is the team (member) obtained the maximum number of points for shots made.

4.5. Photos can be evaluated on two systems: «self-estimate» and «session».

4.5.1. «Self» - it is when the very same team that took part in the game, appreciate the photos of other teams. It goes without saying, the team could not vote for its own work, but for the others - simply obliged.

4.5.2. «Court» - photos are evaluated by judges. Who will be the judge - is known in advance, it is stated in the announcement about the upcoming game. Most are professional photographers, creative and imaginative persons. The author of the game (the one who devised the tasks to the game) is also the judge.

4.5.3. Organizers have the right to add new judges in the judicial structure, but not later than before 24 hours before the game. Organizers have the right to delete any judge of the judicial composition at any time, including in the process of refereeing (in this case exhibited the assessment will not be). Once the game is closed, the organizers have the right to exclude from the final table all of the estimates of any of the judges, if it turns out that the estimates were issued in violation of the rules of the grading, as described in paragraph 6.6.1, paragraph 6 of these rules. In this case, possible reshuffling of seats in the final table participants, members are obliged to take this to be understood and assumed that captured the judges could not initially be.

4.6. Each image is assessed separately for 10-point scale. At the same time a judge makes an assessment based on their overall impression of the image, which depends on:
– Ideas rooted in the shot;
– The extent to which the target image;
– The technical quality of the image;
– artistic expression of snapshot;
– Personal quirk and preferences of each of the judges.

4.6.1. Ratings for the pictures, the judge must come exclusively from the images themselves, the judge does not have to take into account other factors (including, but not limited to): personal relationship to the authors of the game or to the participants, matters relating to the preparation and organization of the game, participants evaluate for the quality of scenario games.

4.7. Results of the game can be adjusted by judges: the teams could be reduced if the assessment violated the rules.

4.8. Evaluation of photographs is a purely subjective, so the evaluation of judges is not subject to appeal.

4.9. The judges are not able to view the scenario prior to the refereeing. All photos are from one of the judges are shown at once, in random order and without the signatures of authorship. Nevertheless, judges displayed comment author photo, if it added a participant during the game. The judge has the opportunity to add his comment.
4.10. A participant who has uploaded all the pictures, has an opportunity to make an assessment of the game. This assessment should be subjective, but to adequately meet the quality and interesting end-game scenario. Attendance, ratings for the game do not have rights to take into account other factors (including, but not limited to): personal relationship to the authors of the game or to the judges; aspects related to the preparation and organization of the game.

5. Prize Fund

5.1. The team-winner or a winning participant, if the game alone gets the prize fund for the game.

5.1.2 The Prize Fund may also be assessed (transferred) to a local W-by the winner (team captain), if the contributions were taken through the en-money.

5.2. The prize fund consists of a combination of prizes, which are defined and established by the organizer of the game.

5.3. Standard prize fund consists of a per cent of the total registration fee of all teams participating in the current game.

5.4. The size of the prize fund may vary from game to game and installed the game sponsored by agreement with the owner of the domain. Team to occupy the last place, the prize may be awarded incentive.

5.5. . In some cases it is possible to use additional prizes from partners and sponsors of the game.

5.6. In some cases it is possible to create a rolling prize.

6. Scoring

6.1. Standard distribution points:

Place in the top-10 single game team game
1 20 points 100 points
2 9 points 45 points
3 8 points 40 points
4 7 points 35 points
5 6 points 30 points
6 5 points 25 points
7 4 points 20 points
8 3 points 15 points
9 2 points 10 points
10 1 point 5 points

6.2. Earned points depending on the index of the quality of games Photo (IR) of the author:

Value % of the benchmark index % from standard
0 to 0,99 10
1 to 1,99 20
2 to 2,99 30
3 to 3,99 40
4 to 4,99 50
5 to 5,99 60
6 to 6,99 70
7 to 7,99 80
8 to 8,99 90
9 to 10 100

7. Local rules of the game PhotoHunting

7.1. Domain owner is entitled to establish the additional rules, restrictions and prohibitions in his domain. These additions should not be contrary to this Regulation.

10/10/2024 7:30:25 PM
(UTC +3)

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