Total registered 1,108 domains, from which 213 domains included in Geography of the game.
Now (statistics is based on users' activity during last 5 minutes) on all domains there are: 665 people, from which there are 16 players and 649 guests.
During last 24 hours 206 players were authorized on all domains.
Total registered in project: 921,099 players (list), 154,805 teams (list).
Last 10 registered participants:
Guestbooks contain 309,344 topics which consist of 7,343,306 messages.
Total 4,280 votings (votes) contains 153,736 votes.
In total were passed 66,982 games (list) which consist of 1,112,601 levels.
Total 263,364,612 codes was entered.
Photo galleries
In total were created 31,696 photo-galleries which consist of 659,680 photos (list).