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Team Отчаянные Охотники на Монстрофф
Date of creation:  17 January 2009
Number of players in team:  10
Points:  322.41
Number of games:  3
Total wins:  1
Team web site:  No
External team forum:  No

Date/Time, UTC +3 Participant Action Staff
3/12/2011 11:24:25 AM Diana Safari exit inactive
10/27/2009 2:39:16 PM Dozorniy exit inactive
2/21/2009 4:03:52 PM Maximys~ entry active
2/20/2009 12:29:22 PM Maximys~ entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:29:22 PM -ENemy- entry active
2/20/2009 12:27:12 PM vvladimirovichl~ entry active
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM Sushka83~ entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM vvladimirovichl~ entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM олЕфтиNа~ entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM Неадекватный~ entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM -ENemy- entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM Nic-N entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM Diana Safari entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM bzzzik~ entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM пчила entry inactive
2/20/2009 12:26:42 PM Dozorniy entry inactive
2/20/2009 3:01:37 AM А_Лекс exit active
2/14/2009 12:15:56 PM vika_drayver~ exit active
2/6/2009 7:17:50 AM С_Я_О exit inactive
2/1/2009 5:30:55 PM хЫшка exit active
1  2  3
2/24/2025 6:50:20 PM
(UTC +3)
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